Slide Presentation
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2021 Georgia Pesticide Application Survey
Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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2021 Georgia Pesticide Application Equipment & Technology Survey
2021 Georgia Row Crop Production Acres Planted (X 1000)
2019 Georgia Specialty Crop Production Acres (X 1000)
Total number of survey respondents = 186
Q2: How many total acres (on average) do you farm every year?
Q3: Where do you receive your information about spray application equipment or technology?
Q4: How many sprayers do you have on your farm that you regularly use for pesticide applications?
Q5: What type of sprayer(s) do you regularly use for pesticide applications?
Q6: Do you use a separate sprayer for applying dicamba, 2,4-D or 2,4-DB?
Q7: Do you use a hooded sprayer for any restrictive pesticide applications? (e.g. for applying dicamba or 2.4-D etc.)
Q8: What is the boom length on your sprayer?
Q9: How many different nozzles do you typically use in a growing season on your sprayer?
Q10: What type of nozzles do you use for pesticide applications on your farm?
Q11: What is your average sprayer speed during pesticide applications?
Q12: What is your target boom height during pesticide applications?
Q13: What nozzle size (or color) do you typically use for pesticide applications?
Q14: What pressure do you typically use for pesticide applications?
Q15: What droplet size do you typically use for pesticide applications?
Q16: What spray volume do you typically use for pesticide applications?
Q17: Do you have a GPS and rate controller on your sprayer?
Q18: What all precision spray technologies do you have or use on your sprayer?
Q19: How do you (or the farm manager) log spray records during the season?
Q20 (a): What is your biggest challenge related to pesticide applications on your farm?
Q20 (b): According to you, what is the biggest advantage with using new application technologies?
Q21: What pesticide application research would you like to see the University of Georgia conduct that can help address your pesticide application issues or concerns?
2021 Georgia Pesticide Application Equipment & Technology Survey Simer Virk & Eric Prostko Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences University of Georgia Tifton, GA 31793
2021 Georgia Row Crop Production Acres Planted (X 1000) Source: USDA/NASS – Crop Production (09/10/2021) *Acres harvested
2019 Georgia Specialty Crop Production Acres (X 1000) Source: USDA/NASS
Methodology In 2021, PDF and online surveys (Qualtrics) were sent to Georgia county extension agents (159 counties). Survey goal was at least 5 growers/county Agents e-mailed and texted on-line links to growers and distributed hard copies at other face-to-face meetings. 186 respondents in 65 counties ~50/50 split between on-line and printed surveys were received
Total number of survey respondents = 186 Number of counties represented = 65 Responses by County
Q2: How many total acres (on average) do you farm every year? [n = 186]
Q3: Where do you receive your information about spray application equipment or technology? (select all that apply) [n = 186]
Q4: How many sprayers do you have on your farm that you regularly use for pesticide applications? [n = 185]
Q5: What type of sprayer(s) do you regularly use for pesticide applications? (select all that apply) [n = 186]
Q6: Do you use a separate sprayer for applying dicamba, 2,4-D or 2,4-DB? [n = 182]
Q7: Do you use a hooded sprayer for any restrictive pesticide applications? (e.g. for applying dicamba or 2.4-D etc.) [n = 186]
Q8: What is the boom length on your sprayer? (select all that apply) [n = 181]
Q9: How many different nozzles do you typically use in a growing season on your sprayer? [n = 181]
Q10: What type of nozzles do you use for pesticide applications on your farm? Select all that apply. [n = 181]
Q11: What is your average sprayer speed during pesticide applications? [n = 181]
Q12: What is your target boom height during pesticide applications? [n = 181]
Q13: What nozzle size (or color) do you typically use for pesticide applications? (select all that apply). If unknown, please select “unknown”. [n = 173]
Q14: What pressure do you typically use for pesticide applications? If unknown, please select “unknown”. [n = 173]
Q15: What droplet size do you typically use for pesticide applications? If unknown, please select “unknown”. [n = 171]
Q16: What spray volume do you typically use for pesticide applications. [n = 171]
Q17: Do you have a GPS and rate controller on your sprayer? [n = 169]
Q18: What all precision spray technologies do you have or use on your sprayer? (select all that apply) [n = 169]
Q19: How do you (or the farm manager) log spray records during the season? [n = 169]
Q20 (a): What is your biggest challenge related to pesticide applications on your farm? [n = 105]
Q20 (b): According to you, what is the biggest advantage with using new application technologies? [n = 105]
Q21: What pesticide application research would you like to see the University of Georgia conduct that can help address your pesticide application issues or concerns? [n = 73]