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2021 Soybean Weed Control Update
Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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2021 Soybean Weed Control Update
Soybean Weed Control (Currently)
Soybean Weed Control - 2019
Soybean Weed Control - 2018
Soybean Weed Control - 2019
Old + Cheap + Still Good (i.e. metribuzin)
Metribuzin Injury
Liberty-Link Soybeans
Liberty-Link Soybean Varieties
Statewide Average Yield of UGA Developed LL Soybeans
2,4-D/Dicamba Technologies
Enlist Soybeans
Xtend/XtendFlex Soybeans
Xtendflex Soybeans
Roundup P-Max @ 28.4 oz/A + Tavium (VG) 56.5 oz + Intact @ 0.5% v/v + Class Act Ridion @ 1% v/v
GA Endangered Species Concerns for DT Soybeans
Hooded Sprayer Reduces Downwind Buffer Requirement (240’ to 110’ and 310’ to 240’)
Dicamba Soybeans - 2021 DRA, VRA, pH Buffers
Alite 27
Harvest Aids Soybeans
Important Soybean Stages for Harvest Aids
Harvest Aids
2021 Soybean Weed Control Update Eric P. Prostko Professor and Extension Weed Specialist Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences
Soybean Weed Control (Currently) Start clean, use residuals, timely POST Narrow rows (<30”) Systems Conventional RR (glyphosate) LL (glufosinate) LL-GT27 (glufosinate + glyphosate + isoxaflutole) Alite 27 (BASF) Balance Bean (Bayer) Xtend (dicamba) XtendFlex (dicamba + glyphosate + glufosinate) Enlist (2,4-D choline)
Soybean Weed Control - 2019 Xtend XtendFlex Liberty Enlist SB-02-19 July 7 53 DAP
Soybean Weed Control - 2018 SB-01-18 July 20 SB-01-18 August 3
Soybean Weed Control - 2019 SB-04-19 July 22 69 DAP NTC Tricor 4L @ 8 oz/A (PRE) Roundup Powermax 5.5SL @ 32 oz/A + Reflex 2SL @ 24 oz/A (22 DAP)
Old + Cheap + Still Good (i.e. metribuzin) Not a PPO (Valor or Reflex) Good on pigweed and sicklepod Can be applied PPI Dryland fields? Issues (Be careful!!) soil texture, OM, pH Varieties Rotations TriCor 75DF Metribuzin 75DF
Metribuzin Injury
Liberty-Link® Soybeans Liberty 2.34SL @ 32-43 oz/A or generics VE-R1 (beginning bloom) 2 applications (5 days apart) (87 oz/A/year total) Tank-mixes with POST grass herbicides may reduce grass control Assure (10-21%); Fusilade (8-12%); Poast (25-41%); Select (4-22%) Residuals still needed 15 GPA, medium-coarse droplet size, small weeds, 9 am - 6 pm
Liberty-Link Soybean Varieties Getting better and better! G13LL-7 and G13LL-44 developed by UGA Soybean Breeding Team Group VII’s AGS 747LL (G13LL-7) AGSouth Southern Harvest 7418LL (G13LL-44) Meherrin Others
Statewide Average Yield of UGA Developed LL Soybeans* *Source: UGA OVT (6 locations/year, irrigated)
2,4-D/Dicamba Technologies 2,4-D choline dicamba
Enlist™ Soybeans China approval in Jan 2019 Enlist One® 2,4-D choline Enlist Duo® 2,4-D choline + glyphosate POST up to R2 (full bloom) 2 apps (12 days) Can be tank-mixed with glufosinate (Liberty) or others Check label/web-sites for restrictions (nozzles, wind speed, buffers, etc.) Varieties for GA???? P53T90E (ind)
Xtend®/XtendFlex® Soybeans Xtendimax® 2.9SL, Engenia® 5SL Dicamba POST up to R1 (beginning bloom) or June 30 2 apps (7 days) Add a residual Tavium® 3.38SC dicamba (1.12 ae) + s-metolachlor (2.26 lb) 56.5 oz/A POST up to V4 or June 30 1 PPLNT/PRE + 1 POST tank-mixes Check Xtendimax label/web-sites for tank-mixes and restrictions (nozzles, wind speed, buffers, etc.) Engenia information Photo: Dr. Shaun Casteel, Purdue Univ.
Xtendflex® Soybeans Full approval 09/28/2020 Dicamba, glyphosate, glufosinate (Liberty) Cannot tank-mix dicamba + Liberty Roundup + Liberty?
Roundup P-Max @ 28.4 oz/A + Tavium (VG) 56.5 oz + Intact @ 0.5% v/v + Class Act Ridion @ 1% v/v SB-07-18, June 15, 2 DAT, Plot #402
GA Endangered Species Concerns for DT Soybeans - 310’ downwind buffer 57’ omni buffer Seminole, Decatur, Mitchell, Worth, Dooly parts of Floyd, Chattooga, Bartow
Hooded Sprayer Reduces Downwind Buffer Requirement (240’ to 110’ and 310’ to 240’) Redball 642E is the only approved hooded sprayer
Dicamba Soybeans - 2021 DRA, VRA, pH Buffers Drift Reduction Adjuvant (DRA) Volatility Reduction Adjuvant (VRA) pH Buffering Adjuvant (PHBA) DRA + VRA Xtendimax, Tavium DRA + PHBA Engenia
Alite™ 27 Isoxaflutole WSSA Group 27 (HPPD) GT27 soybeans only Only labeled for use in these GA counties Atkinson, Berrien, Clinch, Echols, Evans, Lanier, Lowndes PPI or PRE 1.5-2.0 oz/A Restricted use Varieties/Data? Rotations: field corn = 0 months; small grains = 4 months; grain sorghum = 6 months; peanut = 11 months; cotton = 10 months
Harvest Aids Soybeans *Glyphosate and Aim are also labeled (more for weed control than crop dessiccation).
Important Soybean Stages for Harvest Aids R5-BS R6-FS or later R5-R6 = 11-20 days (15 avg.) R6-R7 = 9-30 days (18 avg.)
Harvest Aids Source: Mississippi State Univ.