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Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia

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  2. Grain Sorghum Weed Control
  3. A New Product to Consider?
  4. Grain Sorghum Weed Control - 2020
  5. Huskie Injury - 7 DAT
  6. Huskie @ 16 oz/A + Atrazine @ 16 oz/A + AMS @ 1% v/v + Induce @ 0.25% v/v
  7. Huskie Injury on Sorghum
  8. Huskie Tank-Mixes in Grain Sorghum - 2020
  9. Other Sorghum Options
  10. Inzen Z Grain Sorghum
  11. Grain Sorghum Atrazine + Prowl + Agridex Applied June 2 (20 DAP)
  12. Grain Sorghum After Reflex? (10 month rotation restriction)
  13. Reflex Concentrations in Soil After PRE Applications Under Assorted Mulches
  14. Reflex 2SL @ 12 oz/A Injury on Sorghum Applied 94 DBP
  15. Grain Sorghum Yield Following Herbicides Applied to Bare-Ground - 90 DBP - 2019
  16. Grain Sorghum Yield Following Herbicides Applied to Bare-Ground - 94 DBP - 2020
  17. 2020 Grain Sorghum Problem Anthracnose
  18. Ratoon Grain Sorghum Demo - 2018 July 27 - 1 DAT
  19. Ratoon Grain Sorghum Demo - 2018 August 14 - 19 DAT
  20. Ratoon Grain Sorghum Demo - 2018 September 4 - 40 DAT
  21. Questions/Comments?

  1. GRAIN SORGHUM WEED CONTROL UPDATE - 2021 Eric P. Prostko, Ph.D. Professor/Extension Weed Specialist Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences
  2. Grain Sorghum Weed Control Start clean! Concep treated seed Dual Magnum or Outlook or Warrant (PRE) Atrazine 4L @ 1.5 QT/A (EPOST) Add Huskie if you have ATZ resistance Paraquat (Hooded sprayer) Mechanical Cultivation
  3. A New Product to Consider? Huskie 2.06EC Bayer CropScience Buctril (1.75 lbs/gal) + pyrasulfotole (0.31 lbs/gal) MOA = 6 + 27 Postemergence (13-16 oz/A) 3-leaf to 12” tall sorghum Broadleaf weeds, good on pigweed Tank-mix with atrazine (16 oz/A)
  4. Grain Sorghum Weed Control – 2020 GS-02-20 July 9 57 DAP NTC Outlook 6EC @ 12.8 oz/A (PRE) Huskie 2.06EC @ 16 oz/A (20 DAP) Atrazine 4L @ 16 oz/A (20 DAP) AMS @ 1% v/v (20 DAP) Induce @ 0.25% v/v (20 DAP)
  5. Huskie Injury – 7 DAT GS-02-20 June 9
  6. Huskie @ 16 oz/A + Atrazine @ 16 oz/A + AMS @ 1% v/v + Induce @ 0.25% v/v June 9 7 DAT June 15 13 DAT GS-02-20
  7. Huskie Injury on Sorghum
  8. Huskie Tank-Mixes in Grain Sorghum - 2020 GS-02-20, June 8, 6 DAT Huskie @ 16 oz/A + Atrazine @ 16 oz/A + AMS @ 1% v/v + Induce @ 0.25% v/v Huskie @ 16 oz/A + Atrazine @ 16 oz/A + Warrant @ 48 oz/A + AMS @ 1% v/v + Induce 0.25% v/v Huskie @ 16 oz/A + Atrazine @ 16 oz/A + Dual Magnum @ 16 oz/A + AMS @ 1% v/v + Induce 0.25% v/v
  9. Other Sorghum Options Inzen™ Z? Zest (nicosulfuron) Sandea/Permit nutsedge Prowl?? TX panicum Auxin Herbicides 2,4-D or Dicamba Rate Weed size Injury Off-target movement
  10. Inzen™ Z Grain Sorghum Kansas State Univ. DuPont/Corteva Resistance to POST applications of ALS herbicides Zest (nicosulfuron) Non-GMO Gene from wild genotype of sorghum Varieties for GA? 2022 Stewardship! Inzen™ Cultivar (left row) Conventional Cultivar (right row - dead) Ponder Farm 2012
  11. Grain Sorghum Atrazine + Prowl + Agridex Applied June 2 (20 DAP) GS-02-20 June 23 21 DAT
  12. Grain Sorghum After Reflex? (10 month rotation restriction) **Average ˝-life in south GA soils was 80 to 128 days (~100 days) Potter et al. 2016. J. Agric. Food Chem. 64:5156-5163
  13. Reflex Concentrations in Soil After PRE Applications Under Assorted Mulches *Myakka sand (1% OM, 6.8 pH; 95% sand, 4% silt, 1% clay); Reflex concentration at application was 139-176 µg/kg Source: Reed et al. 2017. Weed Science (FL)
  14. Reflex 2SL @ 12 oz/A Injury on Sorghum Applied 94 DBP GS-01-20 August 11 Plot #207 21 DAP
  15. Grain Sorghum Yield Following Herbicides Applied to Bare-Ground - 90 DBP - 2019 Bu/A Treatment LSD (0.10) = 8.9 CV = 10.52 GS-01-19 October 28
  16. Grain Sorghum Yield Following Herbicides Applied to Bare-Ground - 94 DBP - 2020 Bu/A Treatment P = 0.3865 CV = 19.42 SG-01-20 November 5
  17. 2020 Grain Sorghum Problem Anthracnose
  18. Ratoon Grain Sorghum Demo – 2018 July 27 – 1 DAT Gramoxone @ 3 pts/A + Dual Magnum @ 16 oz/A (Applied 2 days after mowing stalks to ~4’-8” tall)
  19. Ratoon Grain Sorghum Demo – 2018 August 14 - 19 DAT
  20. Ratoon Grain Sorghum Demo – 2018 September 4 - 40 DAT
  21. Questions/Comments?