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2018 Peanut Weed Control Update
Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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2018 Peanut Weed Control Update
Not a good way to start out!
Peanut Weed Control - 2017 Valor/Cadre Program
Peanut Weed Control - 2017 Valor/Cobra Program
Rainfall Totals - May 20-May 24, 2017
Valor Injury @ (6 oz/A) 16 DAT
Peanut Yield Response to Valor 51WG - 2009
Peanut Yield Response to Valor 51WG - 2013
Peanut Weed Control - 2017 Gramoxone/Cadre Program
Peanut Weed Control - 2017 Gramoxone/Cobra Program
Paraquat Concerns
Gramoxone 2SL @ 12 oz/A + Storm 4SL @ 16 oz/A + Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A - 14 DAT
A Comparison of Irrigated Weed-Free Peanut Yields Between NTC and Gramoxone 2SL (12 oz/A) + Storm 4SL (16 oz/A) + Dual Magnum 7.62EC (16-21 oz/A) Treatments in Georgia, 2011-2017.
2017 Strongarm Packaging
2018 Strongarm Case pack: 12 x 1 lb Pallet configuration: 1-layer, 10 cases per pallet.
Flumioxazin Formulations
Valor SX vs. Red Eagle Flumioxazin
Liquid vs. Dry Flumioxazin
Flumioxazin Formulation Test - 2017 3 oz/A
Peanut Yield
Dual Magnum/High Moisture/Peanuts
Brief History of Metolachlor
Metolachlor/Peanut Research Results
PE-67-17 - June 29 - Irrigation
Destructive Harvest - July 19 (21 DAT)
Valor and Dual Magnum Effects on Peanut J-Rooting - High Moisture Conditions
Valor and Dual Magnum Effects on Peanut Plant Stunting - High Moisture Conditions
Valor and Dual Magnum Effects on Peanut Plant Stunting - High Moisture Conditions
Valor and Dual Magnum Effects on Peanut Plant Stunting - High Moisture Conditions
Valor and Dual Magnum Effects on Peanut Plant Stunting - High Moisture Conditions
New Stuff
Zidua vs. Dual in Peanut - 2017
Brake vs. Valor Programs* - 2017
Brake/Peanut Injury
Avoid The Oopsies!
Another Oops!
Glyphosate/Peanut - 2017
Dry MnSO4 + 2,4-DB
What do the top Georgia peanut growers do? 2016 Georgia Peanut Achievement Club Winners
2018 Peanut Weed Control Update Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences
Not a good way to start out!
Peanut Weed Control – 2017 Valor/Cadre Program PE-19-17 July 31 84 DAP NTC Prowl H20 3.8CS @ 32 oz/A (PRE) Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A (PRE) Strongarm 84WG @ 0.225 oz/A (PRE) Cadre 2AS @ 4 oz/A (38 DAP) 2,4-DB 1.75SL @ 18 oz/A (38 DAP) Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A (38 DAP)
Peanut Weed Control – 2017 Valor/Cobra Program PE-19-17 July 31 84 DAP NTC Prowl H20 3.8CS @ 32 oz/A (PRE) Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A (PRE) Strongarm 84WG @ 0.225 oz/A (PRE) Cobra 2EC @ 12.5 oz/A (38 DAP) 2,4-DB 1.75SL @ 18 oz/A (38 DAP) Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A (38 DAP)
Rainfall Totals - May 20-May 24, 2017 Source: UGA Automated Weather Network
Valor Injury @ (6 oz/A) 16 DAT PE-08-09 May 22, 2009 PD: May 5 Rainfall Events: May 5 = 0.04” May 14 = 0.56” May 15 = 0.16” May 16 = 0.01” May 17 = 0.51” May 20 = 0.07” May 21 = 0.59” May 22 = 0.58” May 23 = 0.24” May 24 = 0.13” May 25 = 0.20” May 26 = 0.89” May 28 = 0.05” June 3 = 0.08” June 4 = 0.56” June 5 = 0.77” 30 day rainfall total from planting = 5.44”
Peanut Yield Response to Valor 51WG - 2009 PE-08-09 Averaged over 3 varieties (GA Green, GA-06G, GA-07W) and 6 replications Weed-free LSD 0.10 = 185
Peanut Yield Response to Valor 51WG - 2013 PE-14-13 GA-06G Averaged over 3 planting dates (April 16, April 29, May 13) Weed-free P=0.4015
Peanut Weed Control – 2017 Gramoxone/Cadre Program PE-10-17 August 16 106 DAP NTC Prowl H20 3.8SC @ 32 oz/A (PRE) Gramoxone 2SL @ 12 oz/A (15 DAP) Storm 4SL @ 16 oz/A (15 DAP) Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 4 oz/A (15 DAP) Cadre 2AS @ 4 oz/A (42 DAP) 2,4-DB 1.75SL @ 18 oz/A (42 DAP) Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A (42 DAP)
Peanut Weed Control – 2017 Gramoxone/Cobra Program PE-10-17 August 16 106 DAP Prowl H20 3.8SC @ 32 oz/A (PRE) Gramoxone 2SL @ 12 oz/A (15 DAP) Storm 4SL @ 16 oz/A (15 DAP) Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 4 oz/A (15 DAP) Cobra 2EC @ 12.5 oz/A (42 DAP) 2,4-DB 1.75SL @ 18 oz/A (42 DAP) Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A (42 DAP) NTC
Paraquat Concerns Using higher paraquat rates without a safener and/or later in the peanut life cycle puts you at more risk for potential yield loss, especially in high yielding irrigated fields or dryland fields! 3 DAT
Gramoxone 2SL @ 12 oz/A + Storm 4SL @ 16 oz/A + Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A – 14 DAT PE-18-17 May 30 15 GPA 3.5 MPH 11002DG nozzles
A Comparison of Irrigated Weed-Free Peanut Yields Between NTC and Gramoxone 2SL (12 oz/A) + Storm 4SL (16 oz/A) + Dual Magnum 7.62EC (16-21 oz/A) Treatments in Georgia, 2011-2017. NTC (lbs/A) G + S + DM (lbs/A) PEA01-11 (GA-06G) PEA01-12 (GA-06G) PE-20-11 (GA-06G) PE-01-12 (GA-06G) PE-17-12 (GA-06G) PE-02-13 (GA-06G) PE-02B-13 (GA-09B) PE-12-13 (GA-06G) PE-13-13 (GA-06G) PE-06-14 (GA-06G) PE-06-14 (GA-09B) PE-08-14 (GA-12Y) PE-15-15 (GA-12Y) PE-16-15 (GA-13M) PE-06-16 (GA-12Y) PE-20-16 (GA-06G) PE-21-17 (GA-16HO) n = 82 IF X = 5000 THEN Y = 4984 (99.7%) IF X = 6000 THEN Y = 5778 (96.3%) IF X = 6500 THEN Y = 6176 (95%)
2017 Strongarm Packaging DOW RESTRICTED 1 case = 40 acres
2018 Strongarm Case pack: 12 x 1 lb Pallet configuration: 1-layer, 10 cases per pallet. 12 x 1 lb case pack using natural bottles (35.6 acres/bottle) (426.7 acres/case) (4267 acres/pallet) DOW RESTRICTED
Flumioxazin Formulations
Valor SX vs. Red Eagle Flumioxazin Valor Red Eagle Flumioxazin
Liquid vs. Dry Flumioxazin
Flumioxazin Formulation Test – 2017 3 oz/A PE-20A-17 June 28 65 DAP *All treatments included Prowl H2O (PRE) fb Cadre + Dual Magnum + 2,4-DB (32 DAP)
Peanut Yield P = 0.5966
Dual Magnum/High Moisture/Peanuts Applied PRE under high moisture conditions Questions? Crop injury J-rooting Yield loss
Brief History of Metolachlor Metolachlor synthesized by Ciba-Geigy in 1972 50/50% mixture of R + S isomers Registered for corn in 1977 Dual 8E Registered for peanut in 1980 (February) Ciba + Sandoz = Novartis (1996) S-metolachlor registered for use in 1997 (Novartis) 12/88% mix of R + S isomers Patent expiration EPA Reduced Risk Pesticide Program Dual Magnum 7.62EC (+ safener) Novartis stopped selling “old” metolachlor in 1999, phased out completely by 2001. Novartis + AstraZeneca became Syngenta in 2000 Generic companies started producing “old” metolachlor in 2003 (i.e. 50/50 mix of R + S isomer).
Metolachlor/Peanut Research Results
PE-67-17 – June 29 - Irrigation Planted: June 28 Rainfall/Irrigation: June 28-July 5 = 4.29” July 6-12 = 0.375” July 13-19 = 1.75” July 20-31 = 2.25”
Destructive Harvest – July 19 (21 DAT)
Results PRE applied Dual Magnum under high moisture conditions (~8.4” rainfall/irrigation within 30 DAP) had no effect on peanut emergence, population, or J-rooting increased peanut stunting 21 oz/A = +9-16% 42 oz/A = +22-25% Yield?
Valor and Dual Magnum Effects on Peanut J-Rooting - High Moisture Conditions PE-67-17 21 DAT No interactions P = 0.1215 P = 0.2832 *averaged over 3 Dual Magnum rates **averaged over 3 Valor rates
Valor and Dual Magnum Effects on Peanut Plant Stunting - High Moisture Conditions PE-67-17 July 17 19 DAT Valor SX 51 WG @ 3 oz/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 21 oz/A Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 42 oz/A Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A
Valor and Dual Magnum Effects on Peanut Plant Stunting - High Moisture Conditions PE-67-17 August 15 48 DAT Valor SX 51 WG @ 3 oz/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 21 oz/A Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 42 oz/A Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A
Valor and Dual Magnum Effects on Peanut Plant Stunting - High Moisture Conditions PE-67-17 September 13 77 DAT Valor SX 51 WG @ 3 oz/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 21 oz/A Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 42 oz/A Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A
Valor and Dual Magnum Effects on Peanut Plant Stunting - High Moisture Conditions PE-67-17 October 24 118 DAT Valor SX 51 WG @ 3 oz/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 21 oz/A Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 42 oz/A Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A
New Stuff Zidua (pyroxasulfone) gets a peanut label in 2017. Brake (fluridone) in the pipeline. Nothing after that???
Zidua vs. Dual in Peanut - 2017 PE-10-17 August 16 106 DAP NTC Prowl H2O @ 32 oz/A – PRE Gramoxone 2SL @ 12 oz/A – 154 DAP Storm SL @ 16 oz/A – 15 DAP Zidua 85WG @ 2.0 oz/A – 15 DAP NIS @ 0.25% v/v – 15 DAP Cadre 2AS @ 4 oz/A – 36 DAP 2,4-DB 1.75SL @ 18 oz/A – 36 DAP Zidua 85WG @ 2.0 oz/A – 36 DAP COC @ 1% v/v – 36 DAP Prowl H2O @ 32 oz/A – PRE Gramoxone 2SL @ 12 oz/A – 15 DAP Storm SL @ 16 oz/A – 15 DAP Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A – 15 DAP Cadre 2AS @ 4 oz/A – 36 DAP 2,4-DB 1.75SL @ 18 oz/A – 36 DAP Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A – 36 DAP
Brake vs. Valor Programs* - 2017 PE-07-17 July 28 94 DAP Valor Program Brake Program NTC Valor Program Brake Program Valor Program Brake Program *Both programs also included Prowl H2O (PRE) and Cadre + Dual Magnum + 2,4-DB (36 DAP) NTC
Brake/Peanut Injury PE-07-17 May 15 20 DAP
Avoid The Oopsies!
Oops! Applied 60 DAP 15 GPA 11am Valor 2 oz Cadre 2 oz 2,4-DB 16 oz Bravo 16 oz Pic @ 10 dat
Another Oops! September 14, 2017 32 DAT (122 DAP) Tide Hexar 2SL 14.5 oz/A + COC Treated Not treated
Glyphosate/Peanut - 2017 Bulloch County Early County
Dry MnSO4 + 2,4-DB Day 1- Mixed in 700-800 Gallons of water – no problems Day 2 - Mixed in less than 100 gallons of water – Big Mess Dr. Alan York NCSU July 2017
What do the top Georgia peanut growers do? 2016 Georgia Peanut Achievement Club Winners 14 growers 6266 lb/A average yield GA State Avg. = 3900 lb/A 14/14 – irrigated (100%) 10/14 - bottom plow (71%) 11/13 - twin rows (85%) Herbicides 8/14 – Sonalan (57%) 12/14 - Valor (86%) 3/14 - Dual (21%) 12/14 - Cadre (86%) 9/14 - 2,4-DB (64%) 4/14 – Prowl (29%) 5/14 – Strongarm (36%)