Slide Presentation
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2016 Vegetable Weed Control
Stanley Culpepper
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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2016 Vegetable Weed Control
Focus Points
About 3 wk after emergence = tubers
Tillage can be helpful . . . or harmful.
Tillage can be helpful . . . Stale Seedbed.
Number of Palmer Amaranth Plants During Early Season- No Deep Tillage vs Deep Turn
Tillage can be helpful . . . Plowing
Avoiding Herbicide Injury
Seed needs to imbibe water free of herbicides
Seed needs to imbibe water free of herbicides
Roundup Preplant
Sandea Dissipation on Mulch
Non-treated vs Sandea prior to Transplant
Herbicide Preplant Application Procedure in Plasticulture is Critical
Lima, Snap, Southern Pea
Lima, Snap, Southern Pea (Base Program)
Snap Bean, Lima, South. Pea
Lima, Snap, Lima, Cowpea, Lima, Cowpea
Lima, Snap, Lima, Cowpea, Lima, Cowpea - Reflex 8 oz/A + Dual Magnum 12 oz/A
Southern Pea - Treflan, Reflex, NIS
Cabbage, Broccoli, and Cauliflower (transplants)
Collard (transplants)
Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Collards (seeded)
Turnips and Mustard (seeded)
Grower Standard + Future Product?
Fruiting Vegetables On Mulch
Bell Pepper Herbicide Program
Reflex in Tomato/Pepper
Reflex Preplant on Yellow Nutsedge
Reflex 1 pt/A applied 205 days before transplanting
Palmer Amaranth Control With Pic Chlor 60. Tift Co., 2013.
Tomato Herbicide Program
No Dual Magnum
Dual Magnum 8 oz/A
Dual Magnum 12 oz/A
Dual Magnum 16 oz/A
Dual Magnum 24 oz/A
Eggplant Herbicide Program
Dual Magnum
Sinbar + Reflex + Yellow + Roundup or Gramoxone
Sinbar + Reflex + Yellow + Roundup or Gramoxone
Other Thoughts
2015 New Labels - Dual Magnum - Watermelon and Cantaloupe
Mulched watermelon injury to Dual Magnum applied post-transplant on mulch. TyTy, 2010.
Cantaloupe - Preplant/At Plant - Command, Curbit, Metam, Sandea
Cantaloupe - Preplant/At Plant - Sandea, Select Max, Treflan
Cantaloupe - Preplant/At Plant - Need New Tools
Squash - Last 2 years game change
Reflex - Squash
Summer Squash (Yellow & Zucchini) - Dual Magnum
Dual Magnum and Reflex Indemnified Labels
Rye/Mulch System
Georgia Department of Agriculture
Georgia Vegetable Commodity Commission
2016 Vegetable Weed Control DIVERSIFICATION
Focus Points Weed Seed Production Tillage-Stale Seedbed Avoiding Herbicide Injury Specific Crop Programs
About 3 wk after emergence = tubers
Tillage can be helpful……or harmful.
Tillage can be helpful……Stale Seedbed. Stimulation of weed seed germination can be helpful in a stale seedbed approach in crops challenged with weeds. At times, at least half your weeds will emerge in the first 7-10 days after a tillage. Prepare bed for planting, spray with Roundup or Gramoxone or both prior to planting. Double Knock: Spray Roundup fb Gramoxone 5-7 days later.
No Deep Tillage Deep Turn No Herbicide Treatment Number of Palmer Amaranth Plants During Early Season. Macon Co., Georgia 2008.*
Plowing emerged weeds is an effective tool. Plowing up residual herbicide….not so much. If plowing, apply residual herbicide after plowing if possible. Tillage can be helpful……Plowing.
Avoiding Herbicide Injury Greatly influenced by excess moisture, cold, and incorrect spray calibration.
Seed needs to imbibe water free of herbicides
Seed needs to imbibe water free of herbicides Factors Reducing Injury High vigor seed Ideal plant depth Right rate Plant into moist soil Smart irrigation
Roundup Preplant No Roundup
Sandea Dissipation on Mulch Work by Tim Grey
Non-treated Sandea prior to transplant
Herbicide Preplant Application Procedure in Plasticulture is Critical
Lima, Snap, Southern Pea Start Clean: Tillage/Roundup/Gramoxon Treflan/Prowl preplant incorporated
Lima, Snap, Southern Pea (BASE PROGRAM) Start Clean: Tillage/Roundup/Gramoxone Treflan/Prowl preplant incorporated Dual Magnum preemergence Grass herbicide as needed POST Dual Magnum directed while cultivating
Lima Sandea PRE Sandea POST Basagran Pursuit PRE Snap Bean Reflex PRE Reflex POST Sandea PRE Sandea POST Basagran Pursuit PRE South. Pea Basagran Pursuit PRE Pursuit POST
Lima, Snap, Lima, Cowpea, Lima, Cowpea
Lima, Snap, Lima, Cowpea, Lima, Cowpea Reflex 8 oz/A + Dual Magnum 12 oz/A
Southern Pea Treflan PPI Treflan + Reflex PPI Reflex + NIS POST Reflex at 1 pt/A
Bareground (most aggressive): 1. Incorporate Treflan and prepare beds 2. Apply Goal (add gramoxone if weeds up) 3. Lightly irrigate; wait 3 days with 1 sunny day 4. Transplant 5. Irrigate before applying Dual Mag. 6. Apply 10-12 oz of Dual Mag. topically 7-10 DAP. 7. Grass herbicide as needed. Cabbage, Broccoli, and Cauliflower (transplants) Cultivation kills the herbicide program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bareground (most aggressive): 1. Incorporate Treflan and prepare beds 2. Apply Goal (add gramoxone if weeds up) 3. Lightly irrigate; wait 1 to 2 sunny days 4. Transplant 5. Irrigate before applying Dual Mag. 6. Apply 10-12 oz of Dual Mag. topically 7-10 DAP. 7. Grass herbicide as needed. Collard (transplants) Cultivation kills the herbicide program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Incorporate Treflan 2. Seed 3. Spray 12 oz of Dual Magnum topically when 3”. 4. Grass herbicide as needed. Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Collards (seeded) Cultivation kills the herbicide program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Incorporate Treflan 2. Seed 3. Grass herbicide as needed. Turnips and Mustard (seeded) Cultivation kills the herbicide program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grower Standard + Future Product? Grower Standard (not a check!!) Notice pigweed
Fruiting Vegetables On Mulch Herbicides under mulch generally don’t perform well and can be problematic (injury, carryover, etc.)
BELL PEPPER HERBICIDE PROGRAM Preplant under mulch Topical 7-10 d after transplant Topical as needed 1.Devrinol 2.Devrinol + Command 3.Devrinol + Reflex (Dual is labeled but can cause Stunting) Dual Magnum 10-12 oz/A Select Max TapOut No adjuvant needed
REFLEX IN TOMATO/PEPPER EXCELLENT CROP TOLERANCE; 50-70% yellow nutsedge under mulch control, excellent Pigweed control LABELED
No Reflex Reflex 1 pt/A applied 205 days before transplanting
Palmer Amaranth Control With Pic Chlor 60. Tift Co., 2013. Plus Dual Mag 12 oz/A No Herbicide
TOMATO HERBICIDE PROGRAM Preplant under mulch Topical 10-14 d after transplant; pre-bloom Topical as needed 1.Devrinol + Dual Mag. 2.Devrinol + metribuzin 3.Devrinol + Reflex Sandea 0.75 oz Dual Magnum 1. Select Max No adjuvant needed
No Dual Magnum
Dual Magnum 8 oz/A
Dual Magnum 12 oz/A
Dual Magnum 16 oz/A
Dual Magnum 24 oz/A
EGGPLANT HERBICIDE PROGRAM Preplant under mulch No POST broadleaf option Topical as needed Devrinol Select Max TapOut
Control Dual Magnum
Sinbar + Reflex + Yellow + Roundup or Gramoxone Under mulch? Reflex/Sinbar/Sandea? Metam sodium/Pic
Sinbar + Reflex + Yellow + Roundup or Gramoxone Under mulch? Reflex/Sinbar/Sandea-- Metam sodium/Pic
Other Thoughts Sinbar: great tool except intercropping Sandea: 7 d preplant, RM Yellow: great tool, not under mulch Select Max: least injurious Rotational: Staple, Envoke, Cadre, Strongarm are often problematic
Watermelon and Cantaloupe - Row middle bareground: 8 to 12 oz/A - Row middle mulch: 12 to 16 oz/A - Do not apply topically - Do not broadcast over mulch 2015 New Labels-Dual Magnum
Mulched watermelon injury to Dual Magnum applied post-transplant on mulch. TyTy, 2010. 8 d 16 c 40 b 8 oz 12 oz 50 a 24 oz 36 oz %
Cantaloupe – Preplant/At Plant Command: watch carryover Curbit: don’t put under plastic Metam: under mulch?? Sandea: 7 day preplant
Cantaloupe – Preplant/At Plant Sandea: POST for nutsedge Select Max: Grasses 3” or smaller Treflan: row middle
Cantaloupe – Preplant/At Plant Sandea: POST for nutsedge Select Max: Grasses 3” or smaller Treflan: row middle NEED NEW TOOLS!!!!!
Squash – Last 2 years game change Interestingly seeded squash will likely give you the best control options. Curbit + Reflex PRE Dual Magnum POST ONCE LABELED
REFLEX - SQUASH Bareground seed: 8 oz/A PRE + yellow Bareground transplants: A. Prepare land; B. Apply 8 oz Reflex C. Irrigate D. Punch hole and transplant
Summer Squash (Yellow & Zucchini) Dual Magnum Bareground seed: 8-12 oz POST after 3” Bareground transplants: 8-12 oz 10-14 DAT Mulch seed: 8-12 oz POST after 3” Mulch transplants: 8-12 oz 7-10 DAT.
Dual Magnum and Reflex Indemnified Labels Products Indemnified labels Login (or create login and password) Georgia, Dual Magnum or Reflex Accept Waiver Print label
Rye/Mulch System
INDUSTRY Georgia Department of Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black
Georgia Vegetable Commodity Commission Support for most of this work!!!!