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2016 Cotton Weed Control
Stanley Culpepper
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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2016 Cotton Weed Control
Warrant Ultra Herbicide
Glufosinate Formulations - Cotton
Brake F16
Different Tolerance to Liberty??
Tolerance to Liberty??
Environment Extreme for Injury
Percent Visual Cotton Injury
Using Heavy Rye Covers For Sustainability
Research: Rye & Clover Strong
Delaying Cover Termination
equipment picture
equipment picture
Auxin Systems
Enlist and Roundup Ready Xtend
Palmer Control by Liberty/Roundup Based System at Harvest
Large Acreage Study. Palmer Amaranth per Acre at Harvest
Auxin Systems
Auxin Systems
RU + dicamba - Injury in a Challenging Environment
Layby- critical to sustainability!!
The Balancing Act - Auxins
UGA's 15 Factors Influencing Success
2016: UGA-GDA Trainings
2016 UGA-GDA Classroom Trainings
Using Pesticides Wisely
Was this training worth your time?
Do you think this training will help you reduce pesticide drift issues?
2016 Extension Trainings
Keys to Success - Palmer
Keys to Success
Which System is Best?
UGA Extension Education Fund
UGA Extension Education Fund
UGA Cooperative Extension
Time of Day Impact on Palmer Amaranth Control by Various Herbicides
1. New products/formulations 2. XtendFlex/GlytolLibertyLink/Widestrike 3. Conservation Tillage 4. Auxin Tolerant Technologies 5. Reminder of keys for success 2016 Cotton Weed Control
Warrant Ultra Herbicide Mix of Warrant + fomesafen (i.e Reflex). Label: preplant, PRE at-planting, & directed. 3. Monsanto literature: 48-70 fl oz 4. Suggest (38 oz)= 12oz Reflex + 2.2pt Warrant 5. Add ½ pt of Warrant for Roundup system.
Glufosinate Formulations - Cotton Slide from Prostko
Section 18 New chemistry for agronomics. Mix of fluridone and fomesafen (i.e. Reflex). Apply PRE behind press wheel (~16 oz/A). Very good for weeds, costly, watch carryover, systems approach required. Non-treated Brake
Similar chemistry as Dual and Warrant. Minimal research in RR or RR/LL cotton. Positioning for dicamba-tolerant cotton? Overtop from 1 leaf – 2nd wk of bloom. Label: up to 21 oz/A; suggest 12-16 oz/A.
Similar chemistry as Dual and Warrant. DIRECTED application after 7-leaf cotton. Label: 0.75 to 1.5 oz/A; suggest 0.75-1 oz/A mixed with Direx + MSMA for longer and better residual control.
Valor + Zidua PRECISION DIRECTED, 18+ inch, bark! Label: 3 oz/A Mix with MSMA or Roundup……very good but can be hot stuff.
Different Tolerance to Liberty??
Tolerance to Liberty?? 28 studies Liberty injury less than 15% except for 3 studies conducted under extremely challenging environments.
Ponder Farm June 17 24 hr after trt Liberty alone 1 X Both cultivars treated with same bottle XtendFlex 1553 ST 6448 ENVIRONMENT EXTREME FOR INJURY
LSD = 5.34; CV 13.46 Percent Visual Cotton Injury. 3 DAT. TyTy GA. 2015. Environment A. Liberty = 32 oz/A; Roundup Pmax = 32 oz/A; Warrant = 48 oz/A. No adjuvants; 15 GPA. ENVIRONMENT EXTREME FOR INJURY
Using Heavy Rye Covers For Sustainability Rye Cover Weedy Cover
RESEARCH: RYE & CLOVER STRONG 1. Data suggest killing cover > 10 d before plant. Wet soils first 3 wks after plant hurts; raise bed? Blends don’t make sense but research on-going. RYE CLOVER
Delaying Cover Termination Culpepper and Steckel 2015 Termination Timing by Cover Crop Days to 4” Palmer Amaranth POST Application Tifton, GA 2015
Non-treated Auxin Systems Auxin system
Seed: handful Herbicide: Overcome synergism issue (endangered species). Will data need to be developed? Seed: lots Herbicide: Comment period? How long it open? Number of comments? COTTON 2016
% Reflex + Warrant 100 Palmer Control By Liberty/Roundup Based System At Harvest. 5 Loc, GA/NC 2015. >96 >99 >98 100 Warrant + Direx Warrant + Cotoran Reflex + Direx Brake F16 POST 1: Roundup + Liberty; POST 2: Roundup + Liberty; LPD: Direx + MSMA
Liberty twice 125 d Large Acreage Study. Palmer Amaranth Per Acre at Harvest. Georgia. 2016. 2 a Lib + RU twice Lib + RU + Warrant twice RU + dicamba + Dual twice PRE: Reflex + Warrant LPD: Direx + MSMA 109 c 33 b POST
Auxin Systems Compared to Today: Weed control better, lower herbicide and hand weeding input costs (not much easier). Crop injury (cotton) more complex. Off-target movement more complex
Auxin Systems Clean at planting Two Residual PRE’s….. Sequential POST’s…….. Layby……
RU + dicamba 1 X 2 X Injury in a Challenging Environment (worst 10% of time?)
Layby……….critical to sustainability!! For Palmer: Direx + MSMA; add Envoke for morningglory. If grasses: Roundup + Direx; add Envoke for morningglory.
The Balancing Act - Auxins More economically effective sustainable programs? Managing off-target movement
Spray Tip Wind Land Terrain Residue Tolerance Spray Pressure Buffers Boom Height Tank Cleanout Proper Formulation UGA’s 15 Factors Influencing Success Sprayer Speed Drift Control Agent Herbicide Footprint/ Surrounding crops Volatility Humidity Size of Crop
2016: UGA-GDA Trainings Georgia Department of Agriculture Industry can join us if they like!
2016 UGA-GDA Classroom Trainings* Feb 22 (Turner/Bacon) Feb 23 (Dooly/Dodge; Brooks/Mitchell) Feb 29 (Early/Terrell; Tattnall+Toombs/Screven) March 1 (/Gordon/Madison; Washington/Emanuel) *Meeting times: ~9 am and ~2 pm except Madison 4 pm. *Training required to spray 2,4-D or dicamba over respective technologies.
1337 people trained 1061 growers….do not have to retake training Using Pesticides Wisely! 2015 Locations Feb 9: Bainbridge; Moultrie Feb 10: Tifton, Cordele Feb 11: Americus Feb 12: Waynesboro; Statesboro Feb 13: Alma Mar 17: Hawkinsville; Tifton Mar 18: Statesboro
Grower (#731) % Yes 99.1 Was this training worth your time? All Locations .9 98 2 99 1 No Yes No Yes No *Other consisted of Extension, Workers, Dealers, Ginner, Farm Manager, Research, YF Teacher. Consultant (#46) Other* (#98)
% Yes 98 Do you think this training will help you reduce pesticide drift issues? All locations 2 98 2 95 5 No Yes No Yes No *Other consisted of Extension, Workers, Dealers, Ginner, Farm Manager, Research, YF Teacher. Grower (#735) Consultant (#47) Other* (#96)
2016 Extension Trainings Classroom Training One-on-one Training ALL PESTICIDES Focus is 2,4-D & Dicamba
KEYS TO SUCCESS - PALMER Palmer free at planting. Select 2 residual PRE’s behind press wheel. Avoid causing injury with Irrigation. A. Ideal plant depth B. Plant into moist soil C. Right rate D. Smart irrigation: once 30 - 48 hr after planting; limit it afterwards.
KEYS TO SUCCESS Palmer free at planting. Select 2 residual PRE’s behind press wheel. Avoid causing injury with Irrigation. Sequential POST applications…TIMELY Directed application. Hand weeding. Crop rotation.
WHICH SYSTEM IS THE BEST? Roundup System: Clean at planting. 2 residual PRE’s POST 13 d after plant POST 13 d later Timely Layby RU + Liberty System: Clean at planting. 2 residual PRE’s POST 17 d after plant POST 13-17 d later Timely Layby Auxin System: Weed control better; injury more complex; off-target movement far more complex
UGA Extension Education Fund Master’s degree from UGA Tifton while working 2 yr in county with agents Or Master’s degree from UGA Tifton while working 1 yr in county with agents and 1 yr with specialist
UGA Extension Education Fund Extension Faculty Are Committed: 85 K AmVac Bayer DuPont FMC Gowan Helena NuFarm RW Griffin SePro Southern States Syngenta TKI Triangle Triest United Phos. Valent Industry:
Time of Day Impact on Palmer Amaranth Control by Various Herbicides XX = worst level of control; X = low level of control; $ = highest level of control Times provided in the top row of the table are when applications were made.