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2015 Field Corn Weed Management Update
Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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2015 Field Corn Weed Management Update
Starting Clean
Did you really start clean? A disk may not be good enough!
Strongarm Carryover or Nematodes?
Corn Injury - April 16
Valor Drift on Field Corn
Valor Injury - Applied V6 - 3 DAT
Field Corn Yield Loss Caused By Valor SX 51WG
Pay Closer Attention to Hybrid/Herbicide Mgt. Guidelines
Atrazine + Any of these works just fine!
Weed Control in Field Corn - 2014
Weed Control in Field Corn - 2014
Weed Control in Field Corn - 2014
Are SU 'sensitive' hybrids tolerant of safened herbicides?
Atrazine 4L + COC on Palmer Amaranth
What about atrazine resistance?
2014 Atrazine Resistance Survey
Palmer Amaranth vs Atrazine
Atrazine Resistant Palmer Amaranth in GA Confirmed Counties as of October 2014
Non-Atrazine or Glyphosate Weed Control Programs- Capreno
Non-Atrazine or Glyphosate Weed Control Programs- Impact
Non-Atrazine or Glyphosate Weed Control Programs- Callisto
Something to think about?
Herbicide Effects on Field Corn Yield in a High Input Environment - 2014
Roundup W-Max + Atrazine + AMS Xtra Timing Effects on Field Corn Yield in a High Input Environment - 2014
Morningglory Control in Field Corn
Morningglory Control in Corn
New (er) Stuff
New for 2015 UGA Rec’s
Anthem for Weed Control in Field Corn - 2014
Corn Herbicides You Might Hear About But UGA is Not Recommending (Yet/Ever?)
Enlist Herbicide Tolerant Corn
Enlist Duo Label Requirements (10-09-14)
Enlist Duo Nozzle Tips/Pressure
Enlist Duo Sprayer Cleanout
The Tank-Mixes Blues!
Eric P. Prostko Professor/Extension Weed Specialist Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences 2015 Field Corn Weed Management Update
Starting Clean If you are getting ready to plant and get to the field and have pigweed > 6” tall ………… Park the sprayer Go get your mower, disk, and/or bottom plow
Did you really start clean???? A disk may not be good enough!
Strongarm Carryover or Nematodes???
Corn Injury – April 16 Pioneer 2023BVT Planted March 25 No ALS in 3 years pH = 6.21 P = 82.82 lbs/A (H) K = 90.32 lbs/A (M) Mg = 45.82 lbs/A (M) Mn = 9.26 lbs/A Zn = 2.7 lbs/A (M) Ca = 367 lbs/A (M) Nematodes Sting = 15 (1) Stubby Root = 4 Ring = 10
Valor Drift on Field Corn
Valor Injury – Applied V6 – 3 DAT 3 oz/A 1.5 oz/A 0.75 oz/A 0.375 oz/A 0.188 oz/A CN-02-14 May 1
Field Corn Yield Loss Caused By Valor SX 51WG CN-02-14 Averaged over 2 timings (V2, V6) LSD 0.10 = 3
Pay Closer Attention to Hybrid/Herbicide Mgt. Guidelines
Atrazine + Any of these works just fine!
Weed Control in Field Corn – 2014 NTC Roundup WMAX @ 22 oz/A Aatrex @ 64 oz/A Prowl H20 @ 32 oz/A POST Aatrex @ 32 oz/A - PRE Roundup WMAX @ 22 oz/A Aatrex @ 48 oz/A POST CN-12-14 May 20 15 days after POST
Weed Control in Field Corn - 2014 NTC Atrazine – PRE Liberty – POST Atrazine - POST CN-15-14 May 22 51 DAP
Weed Control in Field Corn – 2014 NTC Steadfast Q @ 1.5 oz/A Aatrex @ 64 oz/A COC @ 1% v/v POST CN-16-14 May 22 30 days after POST
Are SU “sensitive” hybrids tolerant of safened herbicides? CN-05-14 Averaged over 2 hybrids DKC 62-08, DKC 64-69 LSD 0.10 = 9
Atrazine 4L @ 2 qts/A + COC @ 1% v/v Applied to 4”-9” Palmer Amaranth (6” average) Photo 13 DAT
What about atrazine resistance? 2014
2014 Atrazine Resistance Survey 11 samples collected Populations 1,2,3,5,and 10 = 0.5 lb ai/A Populations 4 and 6 = 1-2.5 lb ai/A Population 7 = 5 lb ai/A (Dodge) Population 9 did not germinate (Berrien) 12 and 13 ?????
Atrazine Resistant Palmer Amaranth in GA Confirmed Counties as of October 2014 Berrien and Dodge 2X resistance level 5 lbs/A to control Evik will control
Non-Atrazine or Glyphosate Weed Control Programs Capreno PE-09B-14 May 22 52 DAP NTC Dual II – PRE Capreno - POST COC - POST AMS XTRA - POST Warrant – PRE Capreno - POST COC - POST AMS XTRA - POST Zidua – PRE Capreno - POST COC - POST AMS XTRA - POST
Non-Atrazine or Glyphosate Weed Control Programs Impact PE-09B-14 May 22 52 DAP NTC Dual II – PRE Impact - POST COC - POST AMS XTRA - POST Warrant – PRE Impact - POST COC - POST AMS XTRA - POST Zidua – PRE Impact - POST COC - POST AMS XTRA - POST
Non-Atrazine or Glyphosate Weed Control Programs Callisto PE-09B-14 May 22 52 DAP NTC Dual II – PRE Callisto - POST COC - POST AMS XTRA - POST Warrant – PRE Callisto - POST COC - POST AMS XTRA - POST Zidua – PRE Callisto- POST COC - POST AMS XTRA - POST
Something to think about? Some GA growers are pushing yield limits (250+ Bu/A) 75%-80% irrigated weed science researcher (me) typically does not make 225+ Bu/A yields At lower yield/input levels, are herbicide stresses masked by other stresses? At higher yield/input levels (i.e. most stresses are controlled), what about herbicides?
Herbicide Effects on Field Corn Yield in a High Input Environment - 2014 CN-01-14 Applied 21 DAP V3-V4 Pioneer 1685 P = 0.4165 CV = 12.32
Roundup W-Max (32 oz/A) + Atrazine (48 oz/A) + AMS Xtra (2.5% v/v) Timing Effects on Field Corn Yield in a High Input Environment - 2014 Pioneer 1685 P = 0.1430 CV = 6.56
Morningglory Control in Field Corn
Morningglory Control in Corn as much atrazine as possible 1.0 lb/A – PRE fb 1.5 lb/A – POST small grain rotations 2,4-D, Clarity, Status, Aim, ET, Evik (PDIR) Enlist Corn??? Liberty-Link® Corn Systems split applications of glyphosate (RR corn) * 1st application + atrazine Harvest Aids Aim Early-harvest
New (er) Stuff
New for 2015 UGA Rec’s FMC Zidua + Cadet 5 - 8 oz/A PRE or early POST (V4) Tank-mix with atrazine, glyphosate or glufosinate. Anthem ATZ = Anthem + atrazine MOA = 15 + 14
Anthem for Weed Control in Field Corn - 2014 NTC NTC Anthem (PRE) Cadet (POST) Roundup W-Max (POST) AMS + COC (POST) CN-11-14 May 22 16 days after POST
Corn Herbicides You Might Here About But UGA is Not Recommending (Yet/Ever?) Isoxaflutole + thiencarbazone + safener Isoxaflutole + safener acetochlor (2.7 lb) + atrazine (1.34 lb) acetochlor (3.1 lb) + atrazine (2.5 lb) Atrazine + s-metolachlor + mesiotrione + bycyclopyrone + safener
Enlist™ Herbicide Tolerant Corn tolerance to 2,4-D and Assure + GLY Trait was deregulated in September 2014 and herbicide in October 2014 Colex-D™ technology 2,4-D choline lower volatility lower drift potential enhanced handling/mixing characteristics reduced odor 1 PRE application + 2 POST applications (30” or V8 stage); 30-48” = drops Enlist™ Duo DMA-Glyphosate (1.7 lb ae/gal) + 2,4-D choline (1.6 lb ae/gal) = 3.5-4.75 pt/A 2015 Product Launch IA, IL, IN, OH, SD, WI (first) AR, KS, LA, MN, MO, MS, NE, ND, OK, TN (next) 2,4-D choline
Enlist™ Duo Label Requirements (10-09-14) Can only use nozzles and pressure listed on label (chart) Winds speeds < 15 MPH 30’ downwind buffer from sensitive areas Wind cannot be blowing toward tomatoes, other fruiting vegetables (Crop Group 8), cucurbits (Crop Group 9), grapes, and cotton Specific sprayer clean-out directions
Enlist™ Duo Nozzle Tips/Pressure
Enlist™ Duo Sprayer Cleanout
The Tank-Mixes Blues! Reflex + Zidua + B-Moly + Glyphosate + Brandt Smart Trio (N + S + B + Mn + Zn) *Always pre-slurry dry formulations in water before adding to tank!!!