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Peanut Weed Control Update - 2014
Eric P. Prostko
Professor and Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
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Peanut Weed Control Update - 2014
Valor- Great Weed Control vs. Crop Injury
Valor Injury @ (6 oz/A) 16 DAT
Peanut Yield Response to Valor - 2013
Generic Valors
Treatments applied 6 DAC; Photo at 3 DAT
Peanut Variety Response to Gramoxone Treatments - 2013
A Comparison of Irrigated Weed-Free Peanut Yields Between NTC and Gramoxone (12 oz/A) + Storm (16 oz/A) + NIS (0.25% v/v) Treatments in Georgia, 2012-2013.
A Comparison of Irrigated Weed-Free Peanut Yields Between NTC and Gramoxone (12 oz/A) + Storm (16 oz/A) + Dual Magnum (16-21 oz/A) Treatments in Georgia, 2011-2013.
A Comparison of Irrigated Weed-Free Peanut Yields Between NTC and Gramoxone (12 oz/A) + Storm (16 oz/A) + Dual Magnum (16 oz/A) fb Cadre (4 oz/A) + Dual Magnum (16 oz/A) Treatments in Georgia, 2012-2013.
Gramoxone SL 2.0 Label Tank Mixing Guidelines
FL-07, GA Greener, GA-07W = No problems
Georgia-09B Yield Response to Classic (0.5 oz/A): 2013-2014
Palmer Amaranth Control- Integrated Program Approach
Peanut Weed Control 2013- Prowl/Valor/Strongarm/Cadre/Dual Magnum
Peanut Weed Control 2013- Prowl/Gramoxone/Storm/Cadre/Dual Magnum
Sicklepod Control in Peanut
Tropical Spiderwort (a.k.a.Benghal Dayflower) Control in Peanut
Herbicides on the Horizon- Currently Evaluating Their Potential
Weed Control in Peanut with Zidua
PE-14-13, May 1, 15 DAT
Peanut Leaf Cupping Caused by Pyroxasulfone Applied PRE
Weed Control in Peanut with Valor, Dual, Warrant, Cadre - 2013
Brake Injury in peanut
Peanut Yield Response to Brake 2SC
What do the top growers do? 2012 Georgia Peanut Achievement Club Winners
2014 UGA Pest Control Update Peanut
Peanut Weed Control Update - 2014 Eric P. Prostko, Ph.D. Professor and Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences
Topics Valor Paraquat Classic Palmer amaranth Sicklepod T. spiderwort New herbicides Pest Control Handbook Updates
Valor Great Weed Control vs. Crop Injury
Valor Injury @ (6 oz/A) 16 DAT PE-05-09 May 22, 2009
Figure 1. Peanut Yield Response to Valor - 2013 PE-14-13 Averaged over 3 planting dates (April 16, April 29, May 13) GA-06G P = 0.8162 lbs/A
Generic Valors Outflank (MANA) Panther (NUFARM) ai still provided by Valent Minimal GA data at this point
Treatments applied 6 DAC; Photo at 3 DAT GA-02C GI @ 8 oz/A + NIS @ 0.25% v/v GI @ 12 oz/A + Basagran @ 8 oz/A + NIS @ 0.25% v/v
Peanut Variety Response to Gramoxone Treatments - 2013 PE-02-13 PE-02B-13 Averaged over 3 application timings (15, 22, and 31 DAP). UGA Ponder Farm
A Comparison of Irrigated Weed-Free Peanut Yields Between NTC and Gramoxone (12 oz/A) + Storm (16 oz/A) + NIS (0.25% v/v) Treatments in Georgia, 2012-2013. NTC (lbs/A) G + S (lbs/A) PE-01-12 (GA-06G) PE-02-13 (GA-06G) PE-02B-13 (GA-09B) n = 32 6000 = 5961 (99%)
A Comparison of Irrigated Weed-Free Peanut Yields Between NTC and Gramoxone (12 oz/A) + Storm (16 oz/A) + Dual Magnum (16-21 oz/A) Treatments in Georgia, 2011-2013. NTC (lbs/A) G + S + DM (lbs/A) PEA01-11 (GA-06G) PEA01-12 (GA-06G) PE-20-11 (GA-06G) PE-01-12 (GA-06G) PE-17-12 (GA-06G) PE-02-13 (GA-06G) PE-02B-13 (GA-09B) PE-12-13 (GA-06G) PE-13-13 (GA-06G) n = 50 6000 = 5801 (97%)
A Comparison of Irrigated Weed-Free Peanut Yields Between NTC and Gramoxone (12 oz/A) + Storm (16 oz/A) + Dual Magnum (16 oz/A) fb Cadre (4 oz/A) + Dual Magnum (16 oz/A) Treatments in Georgia, 2012-2013. NTC (lbs/A) G + S + DM fb C + DM (lbs/A) PE-06-12 PEA03-12 PE-12-13 PE-13-13 n = 13 6000 = 5828 (97%)
Label Tank Mixing Guidelines – Current (new) Order of Tank Mixing - In general, Gramoxone SL 2.0 tank mixes with other products and should be mixed as follows: Fill spray tank 1/2 full with clean water or other approved carriers such as clear liquid fertilizer. Begin tank agitation and continue throughout mixing and spraying. Add nonionic surfactant to tank. Add dry formulations (WP, DF, etc.) to tank. Add liquid formulations (SC, EC, L, etc.) to tank. Add Gramoxone SL 2.0 to tank. Add crop oil concentrate or methylated seed oil where needed Fill remainder of spray tank. Always refer to labels of other pesticide products for mixing directions and precautions which may differ from those outlined here. Since many of the herbicides listed on this label are available in several types of formulations, it is advisable to perform a jar test to check physical compatibility.
FL-07, GA Greener, GA-07W = No problems GA-06G and Tifguard = 7-11% yield losses
Georgia-09B Yield Response to Classic (0.5 oz/A): 2013-2014 DAE = Days After Peanut Emergence
Palmer Amaranth Control Integrated Program Approach Tillage Rye Cover Crop Twin Rows Herbicides Hand-Weeding Irrigation
Peanut Weed Control - 2013 Prowl/Valor/Strongarm/Cadre/Dual Magnum PE-01-13 June 25 57 DAP NTC Prowl H20 @ 34 oz/A (PRE) Valor @ 3 oz/A (PRE) Strongarm @ 0.23 oz/A (PRE) Cadre @ 4 oz/A (POST) Dual Magnum @ 16 oz/A (POST)
Peanut Weed Control - 2013 Prowl/Gramoxone/Storm/Cadre/Dual Magnum PE-01-13 June 25 57 DAP NTC Prowl H20 @ 34 oz/A (PRE) Gramoxone @ 12 oz/A (EPOST) Storm @ 16 oz/A (EPOST) Dual Magnum @ 16 oz/A (EPOST) Cadre @ 4 oz/A (POST) Dual Magnum @ 16 oz/A (POST)
Sicklepod Control in Peanut Why so difficult? 25,000 seed/plant seed remain viable in soil for at least 5 years no peanut herbicide provides adequate residual control Cultural Practices Twin rows (+8-9%) Herbicide Options Cadre (3” OR LESS) 2,4-DB (multiple apps, suppression only) Paraquat in NSA 50% solution
Tropical Spiderwort (a.k.a.Benghal Dayflower) Control in Peanut Tillage (moldboard plow) Twin Rows (+8%) 2 applications of Dual Magnum Gramoxone, Cadre, Strongarm, Basagran - POST
Herbicides on the Horizon Currently Evaluating Their Potential Pyroxasulfone (KIH-485) Zidua (pyroxasulfone) Fierce (Valor + Zidua) Acetochlor Warrant Fluridone Brake
Weed Control in Peanut with Zidua PE-15-12 July 18 69 DAP NTC ZIDUA 85WG 1.51 OZ/A CRACK GRAMOXONE SL 2SL 12.0 OZ/A CRACK STORM 4SL 24.0 OZ/A CRACK NIS 0.25 % V/V CRACK CADRE 2AS 4.0 OZ/A EPOST ZIDUA 85WG 1.01 OZ/A EPOST NIS 0.25 % V/V EPOST
PE-14-13, May 1, 15 DAT Georgia-06G NTC Fierce 76WG 3.0 oz/A Fierce 76WG 6 oz/A
Peanut Leaf Cupping Caused by Pyroxasulfone Applied PRE
PE-01B-13 July 25 76 DAP Weed Control in Peanut with Valor, Dual, Warrant, Cadre - 2013 NTC Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A (PRE) Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A (PRE) Cadre 2AS @ 4.0 oz/A (POST) Dual Magnum 7.62EC @ 16 oz/A (POST) Warrant 3ME @ 48 oz/A (PRE) Valor SX 51WG @ 3 oz/A (PRE) Cadre 2 AS @ 4.0 oz/A (POST) Warrant 3ME @ 48 oz/A(POST) COC @ 1% v/v (POST)
Brake Injury in peanut
Peanut Yield Response to Brake 2SC PE-10-13 GA-06G
What do the top growers do? 2012 Georgia Peanut Achievement Club Winners 10 growers 6204 lbs/A average yield 10/10- irrigated 8/10 – bottom plow 10/10 – twin rows Herbicides 9/10 – Sonalan 10/10 – Valor 3/10 – Dual 9/10 – Cadre 2/10 – 2,4-DB 1/10 – Prowl 2/10 - Strongarm
2014 UGA Pest Control Update Peanut ET added as harvest aid for annual morningglory
Questions/Comments? 229-392-1034 (cell)