Slide Presentation

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Dr. Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
Tifton, GA

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 6.0 MB)

  1. Peanut Weed Control Update, 2002 UGA Extension Agent Training
  2. Topics for Discussion
  3. Valor
  4. Peanut Acres Treated with Valor and Injury by Region in 2001
  5. Valor Injury
  6. Valor Performance
  7. Peanut Yield As Influenced By PRE Herbicides - 2000
  8. Valor Timing Tests - 2002
  9. Peanut Yield in Response to Valor Timings
  10. Peanut Yield in Response to Valor Timings
  11. Peanut Yield in Response to Valor Timings
  12. Peanut Yield in Response to Valor Timings
  13. Peanut Yield in Response to Valor Timings
  14. Valor in Peanuts - 2002: Suggestions
  15. Ultra Blazer in Peanuts
  16. Peanut Yields As Influenced By Ultra Blazer Applications - 2001
  17. Peanut Yields As Influenced By Ultra Blazer Applications - 2001
  18. Peanut Yields As Influenced By Ultra Blazer Applications - 2001
  19. Ultra Blazer in Peanuts
  20. Classic Issues in Peanut
  21. Does Classic have an influence on TSWV in peanut?
  22. TSWV as Influenced by Classic Applications (2000-2001)
  23. Peanut Yield as Influenced by Classic Applications (2000-2001)
  24. Herbicides on the Horizon??
  25. 2002 Research Focus
  26. University of Georgia Extension Weed Science

  1. Peanut Weed Control Update 2002 UGA Extension Agent Training Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Tifton
  2. Topics for Discussion Valor Problems Ultra Blazer Injury Classic Concerns “herbicides on the horizon” 2002 Research
  3. Peanut Acres Treated with Valor and Injury by Region in 2001 Source: Valent USA Corp.
  4. Valor Injury
  5. Valor Performance Valor No Valor Irwin Co, 2001
  6. Peanut Yield As Influenced By PRE Herbicides - 2000 Averaged over 2 varieties (GA Green, C99R) * LSD (0.05) = 561 Lang Farm
  7. Valor Timing Tests - 2002 5 locations small plot techniques Valor (3 oz/A) applied 0 to 10 DAP weed-free conditions crop injury, yield, maturity
  8. Peanut Yield in Response to Valor Timings GA Green Tifton, GA 2001 a abc ab bc c d e
  9. Peanut Yield in Response to Valor Timings C-99R Attapulgus, GA 2001 P = 0.66
  10. Peanut Yield in Response to Valor Timings NC 12C Lewiston, NC 2001 P = 0.56
  11. Peanut Yield in Response to Valor Timings GA Green Citra, FL 2001 P = 0.31
  12. Peanut Yield in Response to Valor Timings GA Green Yoakum, TX 2001 P = 0.48
  13. Valor in Peanuts - 2002 Suggestions calibration pre-slurry plant 1.5” deep apply at planting do not irrigate when cracking hull scrape limited acreage
  14. Ultra Blazer in Peanuts new formulation G-E control of croton, ragweed, mg, pigweed, etc Concerns * crop injury * yield loss???
  15. Peanut Yields As Influenced By Ultra Blazer Applications - 2001 (1.5 pts/A + COC 1% v/v) Averaged over 2 varieties (GA Green, C99R) *LSD (0.05) = 311 +LSD (0.10) = 260 Ponder Farm
  16. Peanut Yields As Influenced By Ultra Blazer Applications - 2001 (1.5 pts/A + COC 1% v/v) Averaged over 2 varieties (GA Green, C99R) *LSD (0.05) = NS +LSD (0.10) = 534 Plains, GA
  17. Peanut Yields as Influenced by Ultra Blazer Applications - 2001 (1 qt/A + Induce 0.25% v/v) Averaged over 2 varieties (GA Green, C99R) P = 0.20 Jay, FL
  18. Ultra Blazer in Peanuts small weeds before 65 DAP surfactant 0.5-1.5 pts/A
  19. Classic Issues in Peanut 20-25% of acreage late-season beggarweed tolerance of new varieties influence on TSWV
  20. Does Classic have an influence on TSWV in peanut? Studies conducted in 2000-2001 indicate….. Classic can increase TSWV but not always. Classic/TSWV interaction can reduce yields but not always. Earlier applications??
  21. TSWV as Influenced by Classic Applications (2000-2001) 4 trials conducted in GA Averaged over 2 varieties (GA Green and C-99R)
  22. Peanut Yield as Influenced by Classic Applications (2000-2001) 2 trials conducted in GA/1 trial conducted in FL Averaged over 2 varieties (GA Green and C-99R) weed-free conditions
  23. “Herbicides on the Horizon”?? Spartan (FMC) * broadleaf/y. nutsedge * crop injury concerns * cotton rotations Callisto (Syngenta) * preemergence * broadleaf weeds * early development
  24. 2002 Research Focus tropic croton control (Cadre tank-mixes) dayflower/spiderwort control herbicide/fungicide tank-mixes reduced rates of Strongarm + Valor Classic/TSWV others???
  25. University of Georgia Extension Weed Science (