Slide Presentation

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Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
University of Georgia
Tifton, GA


  1. 2007 Peanut Weed Management Update for County Agents
  2. Changes in 2007 Pest Control Handbook - Peanut Weed Control
  3. Firestorm
  4. Aim
  5. Impose
  6. How/Why do we let pigweeds get this big????
  7. Will these herbicides control large pigweeds?
  8. Cobra 2EC @ 12.5 ozs/A + COC @ 1% v/v applied to 17' tall pigweed
  9. Cadre @ 4 ozs/A + 2,4-DB @ 1.1 pt/A + COC @ 1% v/v - 34 DAT
  10. 2,4-DB/Cobra Test - 2006
  11. Palmer Amaranth Control with Cobra and 2,4-DB
  12. How do we manage ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth?
  13. GR-Pigweed/Soybean Test - II (2006) 7 WAP
  14. What if we do not control Palmer amaranth?
  15. Does Cobra reduce yields??
  16. Peanut (GA Green) Response to Cobra 78 DAP - 2006
  17. Classic Use in GA Peanuts
  18. Classic @ 0.5 ozs/A Applied 62 DAE
  19. Classic Effects on TSWV
  20. Classic Effects on Peanut Yield - 2006
  21. Gramoxone Still Works!!!! (for me)
  22. Speed, Nozzle Tip, GPA Effects
  23. Gramoxone Inteon (GI) and Basagran (B) Effects on Peanut Yield - 2006
  24. Cadre or Gramoxone fb Cadre???
  25. Peanut Response to Roundup WeatherMax
  26. Roundup Weathermax @ 12 ozs/A Applied 71 DAP
  27. Peanut Yield Loss Caused by Roundup WeatherMax
  28. UGA Weed Science

  1. 2007 Peanut Weed Management Update for County Agents Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences The University of Georgia Extension Agent Training – December 2006
  2. Changes in 2007 Pest Control Handbook – Peanut Weed Control Added Firestorm (generic paraquat) where appropriate Included Aim in burndown sections Added generic metolachlors but still included the following warning: The generic formulations of metolachlor (Parallel, Stalwart, Me-Too-Lachlor) have not provided the same length of residual control of certain weeds as similar rates of Dual Magnum formulations in some UGA field trials. Added a specific control rec for tropical spiderwort Table for ALS/GR-resistant pigweed control Added Propel (generic Outlook) Zorial to Solicam
  3. Firestorm Chemtura Great Lakes Chemical Corp. + Crompton Corp. 3 lb/gallon of paraquat Similar formulation as Gramoxone Max 5.4 to 10.8 ozs/A = normal rates
  4. preplant burndown up to 24 hours after planting Up to 2 ozs/A $5.00/oz Tank-mix with glyphosate
  5. IMPOSE Generic liquid Cadre From Makhteshim Agan of North America (MANA)
  6. How/Why do we let pigweeds get this big????
  7. Will these herbicides control large pigweeds?
  8. Cobra 2EC @ 12.5 ozs/A + COC @ 1% v/v applied to 17” tall pigweed 1 DAT 4 DAT 7 DAT 16 DAT
  9. Cadre @ 4 ozs/A + 2,4-DB @ 1.1 pt/A + COC @ 1% v/v – 34 DAT Applied to 17” tall pigweed
  10. 2,4-DB/Cobra Test – 2006 POST: June 5 (17” tall pigweed) POST2: June 9 Photos taken 24 days after POST application Untreated Cobra 2EC @ 12.5 oz/A Agrioil @ 1% v/v POST 2,4-DB 1.75SL @ 1.1 pt/A + Agrioil @ 1% v/v (POST) fb Cobra 2EC @ 12.5 oz/A Agrioil @ 1% v/v POST2
  11. Palmer Amaranth Control with Cobra and 2,4-DB Cobra @ 12.5 ozs/A 2,4-DB @ 1.1 pts/A COC @ 1% v/v Applied to 17” tall pigweed
  12. How do we manage ALS-resistant Palmer amaranth? Need to start using more PRE’S Valor, Dual Magnum/generics, Outlook Goal????? POST Herbicides Timeliness Cobra, Ultra Blazer, Paraquat Over reliance on PPO’s Will need both PRE’s and POST’s Increased production costs
  13. GR-Pigweed/Soybean Test – II (2006) 7 WAP Untreated Valor @ 2 oz/A (PRE) RUWM (POST) RUWM (POST)
  14. What if we do not control Palmer amaranth?
  15. Does Cobra reduce yields??
  16. Peanut (GA Green) Response to Cobra 78 DAP - 2006 Untreated Cobra @ 12.5 ozs/A Agrioil @ 1% v/v Applied 30 DAP 3556 lbs/A – Tifton 4450 lbs/A - Plains 4003 lbs/A – Tifton 4319 lbs/A - Plains
  17. Classic Use in GA Peanuts
  18. Classic @ 0.5 ozs/A Applied 62 DAE 7 DAT AP-3 GA-02C
  19. 11 weed-free field trials in GA 31 data points 77% = 8% 23% > 8%
  20. Classic Effects on Peanut Yield - 2006 (P = 0.66) (P = 0.37) Classic @ 0.5 oz/A + 80/20 @ 0.25% v/v Weed-free
  21. Gramoxone Still Works!!!! (for me) Untreated Gramoxone Inteon (12 oz/A) + Storm (1.5 pt/A) + 80/20 (0.25% v/v) PE-26-06 23 DAT
  22. Speed, Nozzle Tip, GPA Effects 7 MPH Tractor Speed LSD 0.10 = 3
  23. Gramoxone Inteon (GI) and Basagran (B) Effects on Peanut Yield - 2006 GA-02C Averaged over 4 timings (7, 14, 22, 28 DAC) Included 80/20 @ 0.25% v/v Weed-free P = 0.63
  24. Cadre or Gramoxone fb Cadre??? 4 field trials conducted in 2005-2006 477 lb/A average yield increase when Gramoxone + Basagran was used prior to Cadre compared to Cadre alone It only takes a 64 lbs/A increase of peanuts to pay for this treatment
  25. Peanut (GA-02C) Response to Roundup Weathermax – 112 DAP
  26. Roundup Weathermax @ 12 ozs/A Applied 71 DAP 8 DAT
  27. Peanut Yield Loss Caused by Roundup WeatherMax GA-O2C Ponder Farm - 2006