Slide Presentation

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Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
The University of Georgia
Tifton, GA

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 7.6 MB)

  1. Peanut Weed Management Issues - 2006
  2. Topics for Discussion
  3. What is new for 2006?
  4. Gramoxone Inteon
  5. Gramoxone Max vs. Inteon
  6. Cadre 70DG vs. Cadre 2AS
  7. What about ALS-resistant pigweed?
  8. Causes of Herbicide Failures
  9. Herbicide Resistant Weeds Selection Pressure
  10. Commonly Used ALS Herbicides
  11. ALS-Resistant pigweed has been identified in at least 4 counties!
  12. 2005 ALS-Resistant Pigweed Survey 61 samples, 21 counties
  13. If ALS-Resistance is Suspected
  14. Do you need Gramoxone?
  15. Glyphosate Resistance Around the World (8 species)
  16. WeatherMax 66 oz/A
  17. Worried About Hard to Kill Weeds?
  18. Timeliness the Key!!!!
  19. Tropical spiderwort (a.k.a. Benghal dayflower) Commelina benghalensis
  20. Tropical spiderwort
  21. TSW in Georgia Current Known Distribution
  22. Tropical Spiderwort Control
  23. Tillage Impact on Tropical Spiderwort Cotton & Peanut Rotation
  24. What have we learned about using yellow herbicides in strip-tillage systems??? (2004-2005)
  25. How do we manage the yellow herbicides in strip-tillage systems?
  26. Strip-Tillage and Grass Weeds
  27. UGA

  1. Peanut Weed Management Issues - 2006 Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences The University of Georgia Tifton GA Peanut Farm Show - 2006
  2. Topics for Discussion What’s new for 2006? Herbicide resistance ALS Glyphosate Tropical spiderwort Reduced tillage systems
  3. What is new for 2006?
  4. A new formulation of paraquat 2 lbs ai/gallon Safer formulation alginate alerting agent (decaying grass odor) purgative emetic green dye
  5. vs.
  6. Cadre 70DG vs. Cadre 2AS
  7. What about ALS-resistant pigweed?
  8. Causes of Herbicide Failures weed size** moisture temperature humidity rate nozzle type GPA calibration bad luck herbicide resistance All possible reasons for poor performance should be investigated before considering the possibility of resistance!!!
  9. Herbicide Resistant Weeds Selection Pressure Source: J.L. Gunsolus. Herbicide Resistant Weeds. 1998. North Central Region Extension Publication 468.
  10. Commonly Used ALS Herbicides Accent Ally Beacon Cadre Classic Envoke Exceed Express Finesse FirstRate Harmony Extra Osprey Peak Permit/Sandea Pursuit Python Scepter Staple Strongarm All have the same mode of action!!!!!!!
  11. ALS-Resistant pigweed has been identified in at least 4 counties!
  12. 2005 ALS-Resistant Pigweed Survey 61 samples, 21 counties
  13. If ALS-Resistance is Suspected Prowl or Sonalan What about DNA-resistance? Cautious use of …… Classic Cadre Pursuit Strongarm Consider adding….. Valor Dual Magnum Outlook Don’t be afraid of Gramoxone Ultra Blazer or Cobra Tank-mix with Cadre
  14. Do you need Gramoxone? PE-07-05 July 18, 2005 (69 DAP) Ponder Farm Untreated (374 lbs/A) Gramoxone Max + Pledge + NIS @ (15 DAP) Fb Cadre + COC @ (28 DAP) (2170 lbs/A) Cadre + COC @ (28 DAP) (1212 lbs/A)
  15. Glyphosate Resistance Around the World (8 species) rigid ryegrass (1996) goosegrass (1997) horseweed (2000) Italian ryegrass (2001) hairy fleabane (2003) buckhorn plantain (2003) common ragweed (2004) Palmer amaranth (2005) In Central Georgia * Can be found in US
  16. WeatherMax 66 oz/A
  17. Worried About Hard to Kill Weeds? 67% of 600 Indiana growers are not overly concerned that some weeds are shrugging off Roundup as farmers expect chemical companies to develop new herbicides for weeds that do not respond to Roundup. Purdue University, Nov 29, 2005, Herbicide-defiant weeds causing anxious moments
  18. Timeliness the Key!!!!
  19. Tropical spiderwort (a.k.a. Benghal dayflower) Commelina benghalensis tropical Africa native annual or perennial seeds and rhizomes above and below ground flowers 1,600 seeds/plant alternate host of southern root-knot nematode Reservoir for southern stem blight (white mold)
  20. TSW in Georgia Current Known Distribution * confirmed in 29 counties by GA Dept. of Ag and UGA in 2004 (blue) * identified in 4 more counties in 2005 (black)
  21. Tropical Spiderwort Control Conventional vs. strip-tilllage Twin rows vs. single rows Prowl or Sonalan (PPI or PRE) Gramoxone Inteon (12 oz/A) + Basagran (8 oz/A) + Dual Magnum (11-16 oz/A) Followed by Cadre (1.44 oz/A) or Strongarm (0.45 oz/A) + Dual Magnum (11-16 oz/A) Cost/A = ~$44-51
  22. Tillage Impact on Tropical Spiderwort Cotton & Peanut Rotation Dr. B. Brecke University of Florida 2005 Conventional = Moldboard plow (12”), disk-harrow, field cultivator
  23. What have we learned about using yellow herbicides in strip-tillage systems??? (2004-2005) Rate 1.5 lb ai/A > 1.00 lb ai/A Formulation Prowl EC = Prowl H20 Timing PRE > 4 WBP > 8 WBP Method Spray > Fertilizer Fertilizer Rate 500 lbs/A > 250 lbs/A
  24. How do we manage the yellow herbicides in strip-tillage systems? Use Prowl/Pendimax Increase rate to at least 3 pts/A Apply broadcast Split application 1 pt/A – Burndown 2 pt/A – at-planting Gramoxone at-plant Will still need a POST grass herbicide
  25. Strip-Tillage and Grass Weeds