Slide Presentation

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Eric P. Prostko
Extension Weed Specialist
The University of Georgia
Tifton, GA

• Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, 6.8 MB)

  1. Peanut Weed Management Update
  2. 2005 ALS-Resistant Pigweed Survey, 60 locations, 21 counties
  3. Herbicide Programs for ALS-Resistant Pigweed Management in Peanut
  4. Research Questions?
  5. Herbicide Effects on Peanut Seed Germination, 2005.
  6. Research Questions?
  7. Classic Effects on Peanut Yield- 2005
  8. Research Questions?
  9. Peanut Yield Response to Delayed Prowl Timings - 2004
  10. Peanut Yield Response to Prowl EC Timings - 2005
  11. Peanut Yield Response to Prowl H2O Timings - 2005
  12. Research Questions?
  13. Herbicide/fungicide tank-mixes
  14. Research Questions?
  15. Do you need Gramoxone?
  16. Gramoxone + Cadre - 2005
  17. Research Questions?
  18. Eclipta
  19. Eclipta Control in Peanut
  20. What weeds does Strongarm control POST?
  21. Common Ragweed Treated with Strongarm
  22. Research Questions?
  23. Cobra Effects on Peanut Yield - 2005
  24. Research Questions?
  25. What does 2,4-D do to peanut yield?
  26. How do the top growers control weeds?

  1. Peanut Weed Management Update Eric P. Prostko Extension Weed Specialist Department of Crop & Soil Sciences The University of Georgia Tifton Extension Agent Training - March 2006
  2. 2005 ALS-Resistant Pigweed Survey 60 locations, 21 counties As of March 1, 2006 Preliminary data 1573 plants treated 1395 plants survived (89%) = 90% survival 30 locations = 50% 80-89% survival 23 locations = 38% 70-79% survival 5 locations = 8% 60-69% survival 1 location = 2% Jefferson County 50-59% survival 1 location = 2% Laurens County
  3. Herbicide Programs for ALS-Resistant Pigweed Management in Peanut *Generic formulations of Dual Magnum and Outlook are available.
  4. Research Questions? Do herbicides influence peanut seed germination? How does Classic effect AP-3? Can I put Prowl over-the-top of emerged peanuts? Herbicide/fungicide tank-mixes? Do I really need Gramoxone? How about eclipta? Does Cobra reduce peanut yields? What does 2,4-D do to peanut yields?
  5. Herbicide Effects on Peanut Seed Germination, 2005. (@ 250C or 770F) Averaged over 3 varieties (GA Green, C-99R, GA-01R); Cadre @ 1.44 oz/A; 2,4-DB @ 1.1 pt/A
  6. Research Questions? Do herbicides influence peanut seed germination? How does Classic effect AP-3? Can I put Prowl over-the-top of emerged peanuts? Herbicide/fungicide tank-mixes? Do I really need Gramoxone? How about eclipta? Does Cobra reduce peanut yields? What does 2,4-D do to peanut yields?
  7. Classic Effects on Peanut Yield– 2005 Classic @ 0.5 ozs/A + Activator 90 @ 0.25% v/v Planted: May 2 AP-3 Twin row Conventional tillage 3 seed/ft Phorate 6’ X 100’ plots, 3 reps Weed-free P = 0.5931
  8. Research Questions? Do herbicides influence peanut seed germination? How does Classic effect AP-3? Can I put Prowl over-the-top of emerged peanuts? Herbicide/fungicide tank-mixes? Do I really need Gramoxone? How about eclipta? Does Cobra reduce peanut yields? What does 2,4-D do to peanut yields?
  9. Peanut Yield Response to Delayed Prowl Timings - 2004 P = 0.198 Averaged over two formulations (Prowl and Prowl H2O applied at 1.00 lb ai/A)
  10. Peanut Yield Response to Prowl EC Timings - 2005 1.0 lb ai/A LSD 0.05 = 397 LSD 0.10 = 326
  11. Peanut Yield Response to Prowl H2O Timings - 2005 1.0 lb ai/A LSD 0.05 = 397 LSD 0.10 = 326 * *
  12. Research Questions? Do herbicides influence peanut seed germination? How does Classic effect AP-3? Can I put Prowl over-the-top of emerged peanuts? Herbicide/fungicide tank-mixes? (handout) Do I really need Gramoxone? How about eclipta? Does Cobra reduce peanut yields? What does 2,4-D do to peanut yields?
  13. Cadre @ 1.44 ozs/A Headline @ 9 ozs/A Dual Magnum @ 1.33 pts/A AMS @ 1 lb/A COC @ 1 qt/A
  14. Research Questions? Do herbicides influence peanut seed germination? How does Classic effect AP-3? Can I put Prowl over-the-top of emerged peanuts? Herbicide/fungicide tank-mixes? Do I really need Gramoxone? How about eclipta? Does Cobra reduce peanut yields? What does 2,4-D do to peanut yields?
  15. Do you need Gramoxone? PE-07-05 July 18, 2005 (69 DAP) Ponder Farm Untreated Gramoxone Max @ 8 ozs/A + Pledge @ 8 ozs/A + NIS @ 0.25% v/v (15 DAP) Fb Cadre @ 1 oz/A + COC @ 1% v/v (28 DAP) Cadre @ 1 oz/A + COC @ 1% v/v (28 DAP)
  16. Gramoxone + Cadre - 2005 P = 0.10 Gramoxone Inteon @ 12 ozs/A + Basagran @ 8 ozs/A + NIS @ 0.25% v/v = $7.08/A + $4.00/A = $11.08/A $11.08/$0.1775 = 62.4 lbs of peanuts
  17. Research Questions? Do herbicides influence peanut seed germination? How does Classic effect AP-3? Can I put Prowl over-the-top of emerged peanuts? Herbicide/fungicide tank-mixes? Do I really need Gramoxone? How about eclipta? Does Cobra reduce peanut yields? What does 2,4-D do to peanut yields?
  18. Eclipta
  19. Eclipta Control in Peanut Strongarm @ 0.45 ozs/A NIS @ 0.25% v/v 20 DAT Untreated
  20. What weeds does Strongarm control POST? common ragweed common cocklebur horseweed bristly starbur morningglory wild radish eclipta tropical spiderwort Label TSW suppression up to 30 DAC NIS 18 month cotton rotation
  21. Common Ragweed Treated with Strongarm @ 0.30 ozs/A + NIS @ 0.25% v/v 6 DAT Before 19 DAT Lanier County 2005
  22. Research Questions? Do herbicides influence peanut seed germination? How does Classic effect AP-3? Can I put Prowl over-the-top of emerged peanuts? Herbicide/fungicide tank-mixes? Do I really need Gramoxone? How about eclipta? Does Cobra reduce peanut yields? What does 2,4-D do to peanut yields?
  23. Cobra Effects on Peanut Yield – 2005 Cobra @ 12.5 ozs/A + Herbimax @ 1% v/v Planted: May 5 GA Green Twin row Conventional tillage 3 seed/ft Phorate No Classic Weed-free a a ab bc ab a
  24. Research Questions? Do herbicides influence peanut seed germination? How does Classic effect AP-3? Can I put Prowl over-the-top of emerged peanuts? Herbicide/fungicide tank-mixes? Do I really need Gramoxone? How about eclipta? Does Cobra reduce peanut yields? What does 2,4-D do to peanut yields?
  25. What does 2,4-D do to peanut yield? Ponder Farm 2005 GA Green
  26. How do the top growers control weeds? 2005 Peanut Achievement Club 21 farms 4356 lbs/A State average was only 2870 lbs/A Weed Control Tactics Conventional tillage 76% use bottom plow Twin rows (71%) Sonalan (81%) Strongarm or Valor 38% vs. 43% Cadre (76%)