CRSS/ENTO 4250/6250-4250L/6250L. Pesticide Management and Utilization.
Hours: 3 hours. (3 hrs lecture, 2 hrs lab per week).
Oasis Title: PESTICIDE MGMT. Prerequisite: CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L. Practical management and utilization of pesticides in urban and agricultural environments. Subject areas include classification of insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides, etc., their general chemical and toxicological properties, deployment philosophy, hazards and environmental impact, formulation and application, safety and disposal, and management of pesticide resistance. Offered spring semester every year.
CRSS 4340/6340. Weed Science.
Hours: 3 hours.
Oasis Title: WEED SCIENCE. Prerequisite: CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L. Fundamentals of weed biology; cultural and chemical weed control; properties and uses of herbicides and herbicide application equipment; and current systems for weed management in cropping programs. Non-traditional format: This course is also offered through University System of Georgia Independent Study (USGIS). Offered fall semester every year.
CRSS 8330-8330L. Physiology of Herbicide Action.
Hours: 2 hours. (1 hour lecture and 2 hours lab per week).
Oasis Title: PHYSIOL HERB ACTION. Prerequisite: CRSS 4340/6340-4340L/6340L or permission of department. Herbicide action in crops and weeds, including uptake through roots, penetration through leaves, and translocation in the plant; mechanism and mode of action of individual herbicides as well as metabolism of xenobiotics in the plant. Laboratory component consists of research techniques used in herbicide physiology research. Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
CRSS 8340-8340L. Environmental Aspects of Herbicide Use.
Hours: 2 hours. (1 hour lecture and 2 hours lab per week).
Oasis Title: ENV ASP HERBICIDE. Prerequisite: CRSS 4340/6340-4340L/6340L or permission of department. Behavior of herbicides in soil, water, and air; transfer and transformation processes affecting herbicides. Laboratory introduces research techniques necessary to examine herbicide transfer and transformation. Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.
CRSS 8350. Weed Ecology.
Hours: 2 hours.
Oasis Title: WEED ECOLOGY. Prerequisite: CRSS 4340/6340-4340L/6340L or permission of department. Weed succession and development in crops, weed-crop interference, and physiological aspects of weed-crop interactions with an emphasis on modeling. Offered fall semester every year. |